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To Code or not to code is the question every parent is asking themselves. Coding has become the in thing for children today.
Students learn best when they are taught how to work on an idea or project. It is a continuous spiral, get an idea, create a project, which leads to new ideas, which leads to new projects and it continues.
QUBAATIC EDUTECH PVT. LTD. has a unique fun program to help students develop these skills at a very early stage, egging them to take advantage and develop a deeper level of mastery over the latest digital technology.
Scratch by Stanford university is a drag and drop concept of coding. Students are encouraged to make a project and post in Stanford university which will assist winning students deca durabolin injection in securing scholarship to Stanford if necessary.
Qubaatic has the skill to help students build project like this globally and students from Qubaatic have received much appreciation, many rewards and scholarships.